• Technical Conference:  05 – 10 May 2024
  • The CLEO Hub: 07 – 09 May 2024
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Wednesday, 08 May

07:30 — 18:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Concourse A

Special Event

08:30 — 10:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Joint Plenary Session II

Presider: Roberto Paiella, Boston University, United States

  1. Science Diplomacy in the Middle East: Slogan or Reality?

    Presenter: Gihan Kamel, Helwan University, Egypt

  2. A Revolution in High-Q Integrated Photonics

    Presenter: Kerry Vahala, California Institute of Technology, United States

10:00 — 10:30 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Coffee Break with Exhibitors

CLEO Hub - Coffee Break

Special Event

10:00 — 16:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Hall A

Exhibit Hall Event

10:30 — 12:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Quantum Leap or Letdown; Examining the Business Case for Quantum Technologies

CLEO Hub Theater

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Exhibit Hall Event

11:00 — 12:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Tech Talk: Electrochemically Active Metasurfaces for Multispectral Radiative Heat Management

CLEO Hub - Optica Booth

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Exhibit Hall Event

11:00 — 12:30 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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DEI: Mentoring Across Differences Meetup


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Special Event

11:30 — 13:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Joint Poster Session II


  1. JW2A.1
    Optical Nonlinear Dynamics of High-Speed Silicon Microring Modulators

    Presenter: Erwan Weckenmann, Laval University, Canada

  2. JW2A.2
    Brillouin Amplifier Autonomously Generating Pump Light with Optimum Frequency Offset

    Presenter: Takayuki Kurosu, Natl Inst of Adv Industrial Sci & Tech, Japan

  3. JW2A.3
    Degenerate Optical Parametric Oscillation Stability in a SiN Microring With Anomalous Group Velocity Dispersion

    Presenter: Gustavo Wiederhecker, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil

  4. JW2A.4
    Active Mode Conversion based on Cascaded Intra- and Inter-modal Four-wave Mixing Effects

    Presenter: Huang Xiaoshan, Guangdong University of Technology, China

  5. JW2A.6
    Enhancing Supercontinuum Generation via Shortcut to Adiabaticity Coupling for High Order Modes in Ta2O5 Waveguides

    Presenter: Guan Hong Li, National Sun Yan-Sen University, Taiwan

  6. JW2A.7
    Wavelength-Selectable Inter- and Intra-modal Four Wave Mixing in Elliptical Core Fibers

    Presenter: Kunhao Ji, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

  7. JW2A.8
    3x3 nonlinear optical lossy loop mirror for self-starting mode-locking in all-PM-fiber lasers

    Presenter: Yuriy Stepanenko, Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, Poland

  8. JW2A.9
    Nonresonant Nonlinear Optics of Semiconductors Pumped with Ultrafast Long-wave Infrared Laser Pulses

    Presenter: Daniel Matteo, University of California Los Angeles, United States

  9. JW2A.10
    Nanostructured silica glass for mode locked fiber laser

    Presenter: Wang Yutian, HUST, China

  10. JW2A.11
    Enhanced Parallel Optoelectronic Reservoir Computation with Multi-Time-Delay Feedbacks for Chaotic Time-Series Prediction and Optical Performance Monitoring

    Presenter: Xin Yuan, Southwest Jiaotong university, China

  11. JW2A.12
    Simultaneous Spectral Broadening and Frequency Doubling in an Aperiodically-Poled Lithium-Niobate Crystal

    Presenter: Robert Herda, TOPTICA Photonics AG, Germany

  12. JW2A.13
    Nonlinear Telescope for Spatially Uniform Spectral Broadening

    Presenter: James Drake, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, United States

  13. JW2A.14
    Bandstructure Engineered Nonlinear Activation Unit for Photonic Neural Networks

    Presenter: Zheheng Xu, The University of Texas at Austin, United States

  14. JW2A.15
    Wideband Output of Phase Sensitive Amplification Enables High-resolution Phase Retrieval from Amplitudes

    Presenter: Guyue Hu, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  15. JW2A.16
    Phase-sensitive pump-probe reflectivity measurements for nonlinear optics metrology

    Presenter: Jared Wahlstrand, NIST, United States

  16. JW2A.17
    Tuning of Carrier Envelope Offset Frequency in Octave-Spanning Si3N4 Microcomb

    Presenter: Hsiao-Hsuan Chin, University of California Los Angeles, United States

  17. JW2A.19
    Sustaining Induced Optical Nonlinearity in Sodium-Doped Amorphous Niobium Oxide Waveguides


  18. JW2A.21
    Backward Wave Optical Parametric Oscillation in a Waveguide

    Presenter: Patrick Mutter, Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, Sweden

  19. JW2A.22
    High-Intensity Excitation Simulation of Two-Dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy: Coherent Control Application

    Presenter: Rishabh Tripathi, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal, India

  20. JW2A.23
    Amplifier Enhanced Gain-Through-Filtering Instability in a Hybrid Kerr Cavity

    Presenter: Minji Shi, Aston University, United Kingdom

  21. JW2A.24
    Study on Chaos Synchronization of Cascaded Microresonator Optical Frequency Combs

    Presenter: Deniz Lemcke, Keio University, Japan

  22. JW2A.25
    Concatenation of Kerr Solitary Waves for Self-Referenced Coherent Raman Imaging

    Presenter: Nicholas Bagley, Southern Methodist University, United States

  23. JW2A.26
    Optical Darboux Transformer: Solitonic Eigenvalue Filtering and Multiplexing

    Presenter: Auro Perego, Aston University, United Kingdom

  24. JW2A.27
    Dual-Wavelength Intracavity Diamond Raman Laser with High Peak Power

    Presenter: Hui Chen, Hebei University of Technology, China

  25. JW2A.28
    Wavelength-multiplexed Delayed Inputs for Memory Enhancement of Microring-based Reservoir Computing

    Presenter: Bernard Giron Castro, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

  26. JW2A.29
    Cascaded Raman Lasing in Lithium Tetraborate (LB4) Whispering Gallery Mode Resonator

    Presenter: Chengcai Tian, The Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, New Zealand

  27. JW2A.30
    Total Internal Reflection of Polychromatic Filaments in YAG

    Presenter: Nicholas Bagley, Southern Methodist University, United States

  28. JW2A.31
    Independent Engineering of QPM Structures and Waveguides in KTP via Ion-Exchange

    Presenter: Laura Barrett, Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan, Sweden

  29. JW2A.33
    Route to High Repetition Rate All-fiber Ring Mamyshev Oscillator

    Presenter: Corentin Delangle, Amplitude, France

  30. JW2A.34
    10.2-µm Seed Generation in a BGGSe Nonlinear Crystal for Nonlinear Seeding of Terawatt CO2 Amplifiers

    Presenter: Ya-Po Yang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

  31. JW2A.35
    Angular Deflection and Frequency Translation Near the Critical Angle in Finite Time-Varying Media

    Presenter: Colton Fruhling, Purdue University, United States

  32. JW2A.36
    Broadband Optical Vortices with Minimized Topological Charge Dispersion from OPCPAs

    Presenter: Federico Furch, Max Born Institute, Germany

  33. JW2A.37
    Raman suppression and all-optical switching in media with a zero-nonlinearity wavelength

    Presenter: Govind Agrawal, University of Rochester, United States

  34. JW2A.38
    Pre-chirp managed thulium fiber amplifier for 1.8 µm ultrashort pulse generation

    Presenter: Ibrahim Abughazaleh, southampton university, United Kingdom

  35. JW2A.39
    Dynamic Instantaneous Scan Rate in Optical Sampling by Cavity Tuning (OSCAT): Numerical, Analytical and Experimental Results

    Presenter: Kirill Kabelev, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

  36. JW2A.40
    A novel in-fiber waveguide-based saturable absorber for mode-locked fiber laser

    Presenter: Qianying Li, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  37. JW2A.41
    Generation of 1.2 GHz, 40 fs pulses directly from a mode locked Yb:fiber Laser

    Presenter: ya wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  38. JW2A.42
    Broadband Mamyshev Oscillator at 1.7 μm

    Presenter: Xiaoxiao Wen, The University of Hong Kong, China

  39. JW2A.43
    MHz Hollow-Core Fiber Pulse Compression with 84% Efficiency

    Presenter: Étienne Doiron, few-cycle, Canada

  40. JW2A.44
    Pulse Measurement of Second-Harmonic Generation from Random Quasi-Phase-Matching in ZnS

    Presenter: Noah Glick, University of California Davis, United States

  41. JW2A.45
    NIR-vSHG: A new nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy of interfaces

    Presenter: Somaiyeh Dadashi, Temple University, United States

  42. JW2A.46
    Sub-100-fs SESAM mode-locked Yb:YSr3(PO4)3 laser

    Presenter: Weidong Chen, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  43. JW2A.47
    Multi-band Chirped Mirror Design for Highly Dispersive Optical Systems

    Presenter: Shih-Hsuan Chia, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

  44. JW2A.48
    10 GHz, 583 fs Regeneratively Mode-Locked Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Combining Nonlinear Polarization Evolution

    Presenter: Xiangxiang Zhou, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  45. JW2A.49
    Optimization of Femtosecond Pulses by AI-assisted Spectral Phase Modulation: Influence of Spectral Resolution

    Presenter: Alicja Kwasny, Politechnika Wroclawska, Poland

  46. JW2A.50
    Femtosecond pulse amplification assisted with spectral phase modulation

    Presenter: Mikolaj Krakowski, Wroclaw University of Science and Techno, Poland

  47. JW2A.51
    Multi-watt SESAM Mode-locking and Broad CW Tuning (996-1073 nm) in Diode-Pumped Yb:LLF Laser

    Presenter: Serdar OKUYUCU, Antalya Bilim University, Turkey

  48. JW2A.52
    Measurement of Third Order Coherence by In Situ Simultaneous Second and Third Order Autocorrelation

    Presenter: Aaron LaViolette, Cornell University, United States

  49. JW2A.53
    Short-Pulse Generation from Active Mode Locking with RF Frequency Comb

    Presenter: Deepa Venkitesh, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

  50. JW2A.54
    Five Coherent Dispersive Waves Generation of OAM Mode in a Dispersion-engineered Double-ring-core Fiber

    Presenter: Wenpu Geng, Nankai University, China

  51. JW2A.55
    Modeling and fabrication of various optic fiber microlenses with the use of a large diameter splicing system

    Presenter: Szymon Matczak, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

  52. JW2A.56

    Presenter: Bohao Xu, Beijing university of posts and telecommunications, China

  53. JW2A.57
    Cascaded Fiber Loop Mirrors Enabled Random Lasing

    Presenter: Qianying Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  54. JW2A.58
    Temperature Sensitivity of Modulation Depth in a SWCNT/PDMS Saturable Absorber

    Presenter: Rhona Hamilton, The University of Tokyo, Japan

  55. JW2A.59
    Machine Learning Framework for Loss Range Prediction of Hollow-core Anti-resonant Fibers

    Presenter: Md Selim Habib, Florida Institutue of Technology, United States

  56. JW2A.60
    Unified theory of Raman scattering in gas-filled hollow-core fiber across temporal regimes

    Presenter: Yi-Hao Chen, Cornell University, United States

  57. JW2A.61
    Experimental Evidence of Replica Symmetry Breaking in Mode Disparities of Raman Random Fiber Laser

    Presenter: Yifei Qi, Univ. Electronic Sci. & Tech. of China, China

  58. JW2A.62
    Principal Modes of Multimode Fibers Resisting Fiber Bending

    Presenter: Jiawei Xu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

  59. JW2A.63
    One-sided Slotted Photonic Crystal Nanofiber for Cavity QED

    Presenter: SUBRAT SAHU, IIT Bhubaneswar, India

  60. JW2A.65
    Optical soliton sideband manipulation based on nonlinear Fourier transform

    Presenter: fanglin chen, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech, China

  61. JW2A.66
    Imaging of Localized Whispering-Gallery-Modes in a Cylindrical Fiber

    Presenter: Tal Carmon, Tel Aviv University, Israel

  62. JW2A.67
    Large-mode area, single-mode, and normal dispersion solid-core anti-resonant fiber design for high power applications at 2 µm

    Presenter: Md Abu Sufian, University of Central Florida, United States

  63. JW2A.68
    Stable Dual Vector Soliton Generation in a Single Cavity

    Presenter: Igor Kudelin, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States

  64. JW2A.69
    Impact of Bending Angle on Antiresonant Hollow Core Fiber Performance

    Presenter: Rania Abouelela, Laval University, Canada

  65. JW2A.70
    Soliton molecules with manipulated temporal separation in fiber lasers

    Presenter: Chuangkai Li, Peking University, China

  66. JW2A.71
    Femtosecond Laser Inscribing an Ultra-compact Dual-effect LBL-FBG

    Presenter: JiaMing Wu, Huazhong Univ of Science and Technology, China

  67. JW2A.72
    Excitation of LP0,m Modes in Large-Core Step-Index Fibers using Binary Phase Plates

    Presenter: Rasmus Hvidberg, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

  68. JW2A.73
    Coupling into higher order modes of a hollow-core fiber due to fusion splicing

    Presenter: Thomas Kelly, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

  69. JW2A.75
    Directional Bending Sensor based on LP11 Mode from Few-Mode Ring-Core Fiber with Long-Period Grating

    Presenter: Yunhe Zhao, Shanghai Maritime University, China

  70. JW2A.76
    Fiber Specklegram Sensor based on Reflective LP31 Mode Rotation in Few-Mode Fiber

    Presenter: Yunhe Zhao, Shanghai Maritime University, China

  71. JW2A.77
    Enhanced Supercontinuum generation by a dispersion-managed L-band ultrafast fiber laser pump

    Presenter: Feng Ye, Peking University, China

  72. JW2A.78
    Frequency multiplication and spectral purification of microwave signals by an in-resonance pumped fiber Brillouin cavity

    Presenter: Yuyan Chen, Beihang University, China

  73. JW2A.79
    Single Polarization, Single Mode Solid Antiresonant Fiber

    Presenter: Wonkeun Chang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  74. JW2A.80
    Normal Dispersion Anti-resonant Fiber Design at 2 µm for Higher Power Applications: A Genetic Algorithm Approach

    Presenter: Md Abu Sufian, University of Central Florida, United States

  75. JW2A.81
    A Brillouin amplified recirculating frequency shifter loop for generating high signal-to-noise ratio optical frequency comb

    Presenter: Yihan Wang, Soochow University, China

  76. JW2A.82
    A fan-in fan-out device for seven-core ten-mode fiber based on commercial multi-mode fiber tapering

    Presenter: Xuchen Hua, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  77. JW2A.83
    Observation of mode-locking dynamics of a fiber laser incorporating a photoelastic modulator (PEM)

    Presenter: Fengqiu Wang, Nanjing University, China

  78. JW2A.85
    Design and Fabrication of Silicon-based Light Extractors for NV Centers in Diamond

    Presenter: Minjeong Kim, University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States

  79. JW2A.86
    Quantum Pulse Position Modulation using Entangled States for Communication Security

    Presenter: Tahereh Rezaei, USC, Information Science Institute, United States

  80. JW2A.87
    Generation of Entangled Squeezed Light in a Multimode Coupled-Cavity Photonic Crystal

    Presenter: Dylan van Eeden, Queen's University, Canada

  81. JW2A.89
    Modified Superconducting Single Flux Quantum Two Photon Coincidence Correlator for Single-Photon Measurements

    Presenter: Ivan Komissarov, University of Rochester, United States

  82. JW2A.90
    Miniaturized Laser Distribution Module for Compact Sr-Based Optical Atomic Clocks

    Presenter: Jonas Hamperl, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut gGmbH, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik, Germany

  83. JW2A.91
    Integrating Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Photonics and Surface-Electrode Ion Traps

    Presenter: Thomas Kessler, Duke University, United States

  84. JW2A.92
    Creation of High-Density Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in CVD Diamond using High-Energy Photons from Ar+ Plasma

    Presenter: Prem Karki, Wichita State University, United States

  85. JW2A.93
    Satellite Radio Detection via Dual-Microwave Rydberg Spectroscopy

    Presenter: Joshua Hill, US Army Research Laboratory, United States

  86. JW2A.94
    Development of a Rydberg Atom-based Charged Particle Beam Tracker

    Presenter: Robert Behary, William & Mary, United States

  87. JW2A.95
    Fractal superconducting nanowire single-photon detector coupled with multi-mode optical fiber

    Presenter: Kai Zou, Tianjin University, China

  88. JW2A.97
    Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance with Light-sheet Microscopy

    Presenter: Shuo WANG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  89. JW2A.98
    Two-Crystal Configuration for Frequency-Converted Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion

    Presenter: Adrien Green, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States

  90. JW2A.99
    Characterization of grating couplers for 40Ca+ based integrated surface ion traps

    Presenter: Kentaro Furusawa, National Inst of Information & Comm Tech, Japan

  91. JW2A.100
    Overcoming Pyroelectricity to Improve Integrated Superconducting Detector Fabrication Yield on Lithium Niobate

    Presenter: Johanna Biendl, Paderborn University, Germany

  92. JW2A.101
    Chirped pulse excitation scheme for the efficient generation of frequency multiplexed photons

    Presenter: Ali Binai motlagh, Columbia University, United States

  93. JW2A.102
    Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference with a Diode-pumped 1-GHz Ti:sapphire Laser

    Presenter: Hanna Ostapenko, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

  94. JW2A.103
    Inverse-designed Structure for Photon Extraction from Color Centers in Diamond

    Presenter: Mohammad Soltani, Institute for Quantum computing (IQC), Canada

  95. JW2A.104
    Tracing the history of a photon: excitation times and group delays.

    Presenter: Kyle Thompson, University of Toronto, Canada

  96. JW2A.105
    Higher-dimensional HOM effect and quantum state routing with directionally-unbiased linear-optical devices

    Presenter: Christopher Schwarze, Boston University, United States

  97. JW2A.106
    Characterization of Chirped Bragg Grating for Ultrafast Excitation of Rydberg Atoms

    Presenter: Arnab Maity, Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Japan

  98. JW2A.107
    Imaging Quantum Spatial Modes

    Presenter: Charris Gabaldon, College of William & Mary, United States

  99. JW2A.108
    Perfect Two-Photon State Transfer in a Trimer of Three-Level Systems using Laser Pulses

    Presenter: Ethan Wyke, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago

  100. JW2A.109
    Quantum Interference Enhancement and Fluorescence Spectra Modification via Dielectric Mie Resonances

    Presenter: Qi Liu, School of Physics, Peking University, China

  101. JW2A.111
    Wi-Fi Detection via Room-Temperature Rydberg Atoms

    Presenter: Jan Nowosielski, University of Warsaw, Poland

  102. JW2A.113
    Optical Fractional Fourier Transform in the time-frequency domain based on quantum-memory

    Presenter: Bartosz Niewelt, Centre for Quantum Optical Technologies, Poland

  103. JW2A.115
    Light Absorption Properties in the LH1-RC Photosynthetic Complex Using a Laser Pulse

    Presenter: Ethan Wyke, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago

  104. JW2A.116
    Toward High-Fidelity Ultrafast Excitation of Atoms to Rydberg States

    Presenter: MAHESH T P, Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), NINS, Japan

  105. JW2A.117
    The Transition from Independent to Collective Quantum Emission

    Presenter: Aliaksei Horlach, Technion, Israel

  106. JW2A.118
    The Multimode Quantum Optical Nature of Free-Electron Radiation

    Presenter: Madlene Haddad, Technion, Israel

  107. JW2A.119
    Stabilized Fabry-Perot Filters for Enhancing Nonclassical Correlations of Light Scattered by an Ensemble of Cold Two-Level Atoms

    Presenter: Alexandre Almeida, UFPE, Brazil

  108. JW2A.120
    A Fiber-based Microcavity for Color Centers in Diamond Membranes

    Presenter: Julius Fischer, QuTech, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

  109. JW2A.121
    LO-free microwave receiver based on Rydberg atoms and nonlinear interferometry

    Presenter: Mateusz Mazelanik, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Poland

  110. JW2A.122
    A Space-borne Ultra-stable Laser System

    Presenter: Qiyue Wu, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China

  111. JW2A.123
    Evaluation of an 27Al+ ion optical clock systematic uncertainty with a value of 2×10-18

    Presenter: Li Ren Pang, MOE Key Laboratory, HUST, China

  112. JW2A.124
    A Low-Vibration Cryogenic Sapphire Cavity-Stabilized Laser for an Al+ Optical Clock

    Presenter: Jingxuan Zhang, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China

  113. JW2A.126
    Phase stabilization of a long optical interferometer for entanglement distribution

    Presenter: Yohei Sugiyama, Yokohama National University, Japan

  114. JW2A.127
    Heralded Noiseless Transmission of Path-Entangled Quantum States Over Lossy Channels

    Presenter: Cory Nunn, NIST, United States

  115. JW2A.129
    Quantum repeater scheme based on single-photon interference with mild stabilization

    Presenter: Daisuke Yoshida, Yokohama National University, Japan

  116. JW2A.130
    Quantum Network Utilizing Mutiple Channels Based on Cavity-QED and Continuous-Variable Codes

    Presenter: Peizhe Li, SOKENDAI (the Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Japan

  117. JW2A.131
    Deterministic polarization entanglement generation via wavelength division multiplexing for long distance distribution

    Presenter: Xiang Cheng, University of California Los Angeles, United States

  118. JW2A.132
    Partially coherent entangled qubits for applications in quantum communication and imaging

    Presenter: Bhaskar Kanseri, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

  119. JW2A.133
    Classical Microwave Constellation to Quantum Optical Phase-space Mapping

    Presenter: Niloy Ghosh, Indian Institute Of Technology , Kharagpur, India

  120. JW2A.134
    Orbital Angular Momentum Wave-Particle Duality in a Few-Mode Optical Fiber Platform

    Presenter: Daniel Spegel-Lexne, Linköpings universitet, Sweden

  121. JW2A.135
    Toward bi-chromatic intensity squeezing at telecom wavelength using Four-Wave Mixing in Rb Vapor

    Presenter: Ziqi Niu, College of William&Mary, United States

  122. JW2A.136
    Asymmetric Hong-Ou-Mandel Revival Interferences in a Singly-Filtered Biphoton Frequency Comb

    Presenter: KAI-CHI CHANG, University of California, Los Angeles, United States

  123. JW2A.137
    Bright Source of Visible Entangled Photon Pairs for Satellite QKD

    Presenter: Colin Vendromin, University of Toronto, Canada

  124. JW2A.138
    Polarization and Frequency-Bin Hyperentangled States on Chip

    Presenter: Colin Vendromin, University of Toronto, Canada

  125. JW2A.139
    Foundry-fabricated photonic integrated circuit for flex-grid entanglement distribution

    Presenter: Alexander Miloshevsky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States

  126. JW2A.140
    Study on the effect of discrepancy information in the high-dimensional domain on resolution improvement of the ghost imaging camera

    Presenter: TONG WANG, Tianjin University, China

  127. JW2A.141
    Popper’s Conjecture: Using Angular Ghost Diffraction to Investigate the Uncertainty Principle

    Presenter: Neelan Gounden, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

  128. JW2A.142
    Fresnel Diffraction of High-Dimensional Biphoton Wavefunctions: Computational Method and Characterization

    Presenter: Zihe Gao, Auburn University, United States

  129. JW2A.143
    Efficient General Waveform Catching by a cavity at an Absorbing Exceptional Point

    Presenter: Asaf Farhi, Yale University, United States

  130. JW2A.144
    Temporal phase characterization of picosecond pulsed squeezed vacuum

    Presenter: Zicong XU, the University of Tokyo, Japan

  131. JW2A.145
    Photon-Number-Counting-Enabled Super-Resolution Imaging

    Presenter: Ivan Burenkov, Joint Quantum Institute, United States

  132. JW2A.146
    Ultra-compact, Tunable Photon Pair Source for Pulsed Temporal-mode Encoding

    Presenter: Liao Ye, Zhejiang University, China

  133. JW2A.147
    Temperature Tolerant Quantum Entangled Light Source

    Presenter: Andrew Rockovich, The Ohio State University, United States

  134. JW2A.148
    Refractive Index Measurement by the Plasmonic Hong-Ou-Mandel Interferometry

    Presenter: Seungjin Yoon, Joint Quantum Institute, United States

  135. JW2A.149
    Quantum effects in two-photon interactions from stimulated Parametric down-conversion

    Presenter: Thomas Dickinson, University of strathclyde, United Kingdom

  136. JW2A.150
    Quantum Enhanced Mechanical Rotation Sensing using Wavefront Photonic Gears

    Presenter: Ofir Yesharim, Tel Aviv University, Israel

  137. JW2A.152
    Experimental reconstruction of the ``push-and-pull" associated with damping and diffusion Wigner's currents in quantum phase space

    Presenter: Yi-Ru Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

  138. JW2A.153
    Characterization of thermal degraded optical cat states by non-Gaussianity

    Presenter: PO HAN Wang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

  139. JW2A.154
    Direct Observation of the Mechanism Behind Spectral Diffusion in Semiconductor Quantum Dots

    Presenter: Frieder Conradt, University of Konstanz, Germany

  140. JW2A.155
    Phase Dependent Hanbury-Brown and Twiss effect

    Presenter: Zhe-Yu Ou, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  141. JW2A.157
    Photon-pair generation in hybrid photonic crystal fibre.

    Presenter: Will Smith, University of Bath, United Kingdom

  142. JW2A.158
    Untraceable In-situ Channel Monitoring via Quantum Measurement

    Presenter: Jabir M. V., NIST, United States

  143. JW2A.159
    Broadband loop-based quantum memories for storing entangled photons

    Presenter: Carson Evans, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, United States

  144. JW2A.160
    Machine Learning-Enhanced Quantum State Tomography with Direct Parameter Estimations

    Presenter: Hsien-Yi Hsieh, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

  145. JW2A.161
    Wigner’s Phase Space Current for the Conditional Dynamics in Entangled Two Mode Systems — Seeing Beam Splitters in a New Light —

    Presenter: Ole Steuernagel, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

  146. JW2A.162
    Many-Body Entanglement of Free Electrons via ‘Which-Path’

    Presenter: Ron Ruimy, Technion Israel institute of technology, Israel

  147. JW2A.163
    Single-Mode squeezed light generated by Four-Wave Mixing for enhanced phase sensing

    Presenter: Patrick Tritschler, Bosch Sensortec GmbH, Germany

  148. JW2A.164
    Single-Photon Entangled W-States in Discrete Dimension of a Waveguide

    Presenter: Amir Sivan, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

  149. JW2A.165
    Correlated photon pairs generation with 3D integrated SiN circuit

    Presenter: Xiaotian Zhu, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  150. JW2A.166
    All-to-All Connected Photonic Ising Machine with Arbitrary Spin Number Based on Mach-Zehnder Interferometers

    Presenter: Yuan Gao, National University of Singapore, Singapore

  151. JW2A.167
    Perfect pulsed inline twin-beam squeezers

    Presenter: Martin Houde, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada

  152. JW2A.169
    Spectral Property Engineering of Photon Pairs in Different Spatial Modes from Few-Mode Fiber

    Presenter: Shengjie Zhu, Tianjin University, China

  153. JW2A.172
    A Platform for Designing Bipartite Entangled Quantum Frequency Combs via Silicon Nitride Microring Resonators

    Presenter: Guangqiang He, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  154. JW2A.173
    Spatiotemporal Optical Two- and Three-Vortex Reconnections

    Presenter: Jordan Adams, University of Dayton, United States

  155. JW2A.174
    Reservoir-induced linewidth broadening of exciton-poalriton laser

    Presenter: Bianca Rae Fabricante, Australian National University, Australia

  156. JW2A.175
    The Investigation of Dissipative Soliton Dynamics via SA/RSA transition within saturable absorber

    Presenter: HSUAN-SEN Wang, National Sun-Yat-sen university, Taiwan

  157. JW2A.176
    Spatial Chirp and Measurement Time in the Interference of Narrowband Sources

    Presenter: Joscelyn van der Veen, University of Toronto, Canada

  158. JW2A.177
    Mid-infrared dark soliton combs and telecom bright soliton combs in silicon nitride microring resonators

    Presenter: You Wu, Peking University, China

  159. JW2A.178
    Dispersion Engineered Silicon Nitride Microring Resonators for Pure-Quartic Soliton Frequency Comb Generation

    Presenter: Jie Zhao, Nokia Bell Labs, United States

  160. JW2A.179
    Femtosecond pulse generation from a cw-driven degenerate optical parametric oscillator

    Presenter: Alfredo Sanchez, ICFO -Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Spain

  161. JW2A.180
    Mean-field equation for phase-modulation mode-locked optical parametric oscillator with dispersion control

    Presenter: Alfredo Sanchez, ICFO -Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Spain

  162. JW2A.181
    Topologically Protected Wavelength Conversion in a Photonic Valley Hall Insulator

    Presenter: Ju Won Choi, SUTD, Singapore

  163. JW2A.182
    Study of optical nonlinearity with single-shot waveform measurement

    Presenter: Dipendra Khatri, University of central florida, United States

  164. JW2A.183
    Robust Biphoton Entanglement of Three Topological Modes

    Presenter: Mohammad Javad Zakeri, CREOL (College of Optics and Photonics), United States

  165. JW2A.184
    Predator-prey Behaviors In Optical Solitons

    Presenter: JUAN WU, Nankai University, China

  166. JW2A.185
    Two-Photon Process in Free Electron Radiation

    Presenter: Hongteng Lin, Tsinghua University, China

  167. JW2A.186
    Mid-IR femtosecond laser induced filamentation dynamics in polycrystalline ZnS using time-resolved pump-probe microscopy

    Presenter: Justin Twardowski, Ohio State University, United States

  168. JW2A.187
    Effects of positive and negative group velocity dispersion on the generation of a noise-like pulse and its effectiveness for supercontinuum generation

    Presenter: Kuan-Yuan Chang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

  169. JW2A.188
    Period-halving Effect in Floquet Photonic Lattices

    Presenter: Qianqian Kang, Nankai University, China

  170. JW2A.189
    The Effects of Correlated Dephasing on Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Interacting Systems

    Presenter: Kelsey Bates, University of Michigan, United States

  171. JW2A.190
    Multicolor Solitons with and without Phase-Locking

    Presenter: Justin Widjaja, University of Sydney, Australia

  172. JW2A.191
    Optical Stern-Gerlach Effect of Two Waveguide Modes

    Presenter: jiaxin li, Nankai university, China

  173. JW2A.192
    Color Switching in a Mode-Locked Optical Phase-Conjugate Resonator

    Presenter: Brielle Anderson, American University, United States

  174. JW2A.193
    Targeted Enhancement of Nonlinear Response in Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

    Presenter: Russell Berger, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States

  175. JW2A.194
    Floquet–Bloch Oscillations in Photonic Lattices

    Presenter: Zhen Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

  176. JW2A.195
    Spectral characteristics and application of multiphoton absorption in cooling single-photon detector

    Presenter: Zhengyong Li, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

  177. JW2A.196
    Universality of Linear Wave Emission from Perturbed Solitons

    Presenter: Justin Widjaja, University of Sydney, Australia

  178. JW2A.197
    Time-Domain Analysis of the Coupling between Free-Electrons and Photonic Waveguides

    Presenter: Omer Emre Ates, University of California Davis, United States

  179. JW2A.198
    Dynamics of Pump Power-Dependent Soliton Molecules in Yb-Doped Mode-Locked Fiber Laser

    Presenter: Yingchu Xu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  180. JW2A.199
    An In-Depth Analysis of Entangled Photon-Pair Generation in Nonlinear Thin Films

    Presenter: Elkin Santos, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany

  181. JW2A.200
    Photon-Dressed Exciton States and Terahertz Gain unveiled by THz Spectroscopy

    Presenter: Daniel Anders, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

  182. JW2A.201
    Prediction of the Period-4 Modulation Instability in Ring Fiber Cavities

    Presenter: Minji Shi, Aston University, United Kingdom

  183. JW2A.202
    Nonlinear modulational instability: is it really a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou phenomenon?

    Presenter: Andrea Armaroli, Universita degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy

  184. JW2A.203
    Giant Oscillations of Vector Solitons Driven by Nonreciprocal Interactions

    Presenter: Pawel Jung, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida, United States

  185. JW2A.204
    Surface Acoustic Waves for Acousto-optic Modulation in Silicon Nitride Plaform

    Presenter: Zheng Zheng, University of Twente, Netherlands

  186. JW2A.205
    Dual-Pumped Supercontinuum Generation in Molecular-Gas Filled Hollow-Core Fibers

    Presenter: Balazs Plosz, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

  187. JW2A.206
    Beyond the parametric approximation: pump depletion, entanglement and squeezing in down-conversion

    Presenter: Nicolás Quesada, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada

  188. JW2A.207
    Differentiating Theoretical Frameworks in the Subcycle Regime

    Presenter: Joscelyn van der Veen, University of Toronto, Canada

  189. JW2A.208
    Surface amplification in dissipative lattices

    Presenter: Konstantinos Makris, University of Crete, Greece

  190. JW2A.210
    Reversible nonreciprocal light transmission based on slow-light waveguide

    Presenter: Da-Liu Zheng, South China University of Technology, China

  191. JW2A.211
    Floquet Analysis of Photonic Time Crystals with Polaritonic Band Structures

    Presenter: Mustafa Goksu Ozlu, Purdue University, United States

  192. JW2A.212
    Engineerng nonlinear optical process with random exploration of the optimal phase relationships

    Presenter: Chiaki Ohae, University of Electro-Communications, Japan

  193. JW2A.213
    Realization of Non-Hermitian Antichiral Currents in Synthetic Dimensions

    Presenter: Rui Ye, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  194. JW2A.214
    The Optical Spectrum of Two Coexisting Limit Cycles in Injected Photonic Oscillators

    Presenter: Vassilios Kovanis, Virginia Tech, United States

  195. JW2A.215
    Free-phase-matching and tunable-gain phase-sensitive amplification based on thin-film lithium niobate

    Presenter: Yanqun Wang, Sun Yat-sen University, China

  196. JW2A.216
    Third-order Optical Nonlinearity Response of N-doped Carbon Quantum Dots

    Presenter: yuxing yang, Inner Mongolia University, China

  197. JW2A.217
    Compact and robust common-path scheme for Fourth Harmonic Generation of deep UV ultrashort laser pulses

    Presenter: M Danailov, Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Italy

  198. JW2A.218
    Stably locking a photonic molecule by extending Pound-Drever-Hall feedback with higher-order derivatives

    Presenter: Dhruv Srinivasan, University of Maryland, United States

  199. JW2A.219
    Broadband microcombs in silica microspheres in normal and anomalous dispersion regime

    Presenter: Jiamin Bai, Shanghai University, China

  200. JW2A.220
    Chirped Solitary Wave Solutions for Optical Frequency Comb Applications

    Presenter: Sanjana Bhatia, Panjab University, India

  201. JW2A.221
    Clock Synchronization with Weak Coherent Pulses

    Presenter: Noah Crum, University of Tennessee Knoxville, United States

  202. JW2A.222
    An Effective Countermeasure against Time-Shift Attack Using a Combination of Passive Quenched and Gated Detectors

    Presenter: Toshitsugu Kato, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan

  203. JW2A.223
    Noise-robust Quantum Coherence Near Infrared Imaging

    Presenter: Changyong Tian, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  204. JW2A.224
    Experimental Implementation of Quantum Steganography Using Coherent States

    Presenter: Haley Weinstein, University of Southern California, United States

  205. JW2A.225
    Enhancing Photon Information Capacity in High-Dimensional Arrival-time-bin QKD through Polarization Hyperentanglement

    Presenter: KAI-CHI CHANG, University of California Los Angeles, United States

  206. JW2A.226
    Enhanced Optical Entanglement Distribution Through Noisy Channels by Temporal Mode Filtering

    Presenter: Jack Lichtman, University of Oregon, United States

  207. JW2A.228
    Multiwavelength Distributed Bragg Reflector Laser Platform for Quantum Applications

    Presenter: Luukas Kuusela, Modulight Corporation, Finland

13:00 — 13:20 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


IPG's ELPN and HLPN series: MW High Energy Middle-IR Fiber-bulk Hybrid Lasers for Advanced Applications

CLEO Hub Theater

Event Details  Add to Schedule
Special Event

13:00 — 14:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


Tech Talk: Calculating the SATCOM Bit Error Rate Degraded by Atmospheric Turbulence

CLEO Hub - Optica Booth

Event Details  Add to Schedule
Exhibit Hall Event

13:00 — 15:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


Symposium: Spectroscopic Advances in Biophotonics I

Presider: Joseph Mastron, TOPTICA Photonics Inc, United States

Special Symposium
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Multimodal Spectroscopic and Imaging Methods for Skin Diagnostics

    Presenter: Bernhard Roth, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Vibrational Photothermal Microscopy

    Presenter: Ji-Xin Cheng, Boston University, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    2D IR Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging: Applicaton to Amyloid Aggregation and Cataract Lens Tissues

    Presenter: Martin Zanni, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    (Withdrawn) Surface Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy by Nanostructures

    Presenter: Xia Yu, Beihang University, China


Symposium: Warm Vapor Quantum Devices I

Presider: Paul Kunz, Army Research Labs, United States

Special Symposium
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Warm Vapor Four-wave Mixing for Generating Optical Quantum States

    Presenter: Paul Lett, National Inst of Standards & Technology, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Efficient, Broadband Quantum Memory in Atomic Barium Vapor

    Presenter: Virginia Lorenz, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantum Networking with Microfabricated Atomic Vapor Cells

    Presenter: Roberto Mottola, University of Basel, Switzerland

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Integrating Rubidium Vapor with Nanophotonics on a Chip

    Presenter: Uriel Levy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Laser-Actuated Sealing for Microfabricated Alkali Vapor Cells

    Presenter: Vincent Maurice, Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, Univ. Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, UMR 8520 - IEMN - Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie,, France

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Precision Spectroscopy in Microfabricated Vapor Cells

    Presenter: Matthew Hummon, National Inst of Standards & Technology, United States

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Improvements of the Pulsed Optically Pumped Rb Clock

    Presenter: Filippo Levi, INRIM, Italy

  8. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Molecular Iodine Optical Atomic Clocks

    Presenter: Jonathan Roslund, Vector Atomic, United States


Symposium: Nonlinear Terahertz Photonics

Presider: Chiara Trovatello, Columbia University, United States

Special Symposium
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Observing and Enhancing Terahertz Nonlinear Effects Using Guided Modes and Plasmonic Structures

    Presenter: Thomas Murphy, University of Maryland, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Nonlinear Optics of Graphene and Other Post-2000 Materials

    Presenter: Nathalie Vermeulen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Terahertz Doppler-Free Spectroscopy with UTC-PD Emitter

    Presenter: Koichiro Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Terahertz Photonics On-chip

    Presenter: Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland


Semiconductor Lasers for Neural Networks and Data Communication

Presider: Christian Noelleke, TOPTICA Photonics AG, Germany

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    On-Chip Quantum Dot Lasers Driven High-Speed Optical Neural Networks

    Presenter: Zhican Zhou, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Red VCSEL Array for Optical Parallel-Interconnected Links with Ultra-Low Energy Consumption

    Presenter: Omar Alkhazragi, KAUST, Saudi Arabia

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Machine Learning for Quantum Cascade Laser Design and Optimization

    Presenter: Andres Correa Hernandez, Princeton University, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Artificial Neural Networks for Laser Frequency Stabilization

    Presenter: Christian Noelleke, TOPTICA Photonics AG, Germany

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Large-scale Optical Neural Networks with VCSEL Arrays

    Presenter: Zaijun Chen, University of Southern California, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    40-Gbps Direct Modulation of Electrically Driven 1D Photonic-Crystal Nanolaser on SiO2/Si

    Presenter: Takuma Tsurugaya, NTT Device Technology Labs, Japan

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Terahertz squeezed light and self-pulsing in semiconductor lasers with nonlinear loss

    Presenter: Sahil Pontula, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States


Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) I

Presider: Nate Gemelke, QuEra Computing Inc, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Real-time CV-QKD Reception Resilient to Urban Atmospheric Turbulence

    Presenter: João Frazão, TU/e, Netherlands

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Improving Twin-Field QKD With Optical Clock Technologies

    Presenter: Filippo Levi, INRIM, Italy

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    (Withdrawn) Toward fully operational quantum key distribution networks using entanglement

    Presenter: Yoann Pelet, Instutut de physique de Nice, France

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) Multiplexing by Using the Attenuation Method

    Presenter: Ondrej Klicnik, VUT, Czechia

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantum Spread Spectrum

    Presenter: Jing Wang, CableLabs, Inc., United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Visibility of Long-Fiber Sagnac Interferometers

    Presenter: Reem Mandil, University of Toronto, Canada

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Real-time 12.5-Gbit/s Quantum Random Number Delivery over Field-installed Fiber via Coherent Light Transmission

    Presenter: Ken Tanizawa, Tamagawa University, Japan


Optical Computation and Synthetic Dimensions

Presider: Joshua Feis, University of Rostock, Germany

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Analog Information Processing on a Photonic Chip with Programmable Photonic Integrated Circuits

    Presenter: Mohammad-Ali Miri, Queens College of CUNY, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Deep learning empowered synthetic dimension dynamics

    Presenter: Shiqi Xia, Teda College of Nankai University, China

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Fast-gain for photonic emulation of synthetic lattices with fully populated bands

    Presenter: Alex Dikopoltsev, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    A Compact Photonic Architecture for General Linear Transformations

    Presenter: Kevin Zelaya, Queens College of CUNY,, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Creating edge states within a synthetic dimension of orbital angular momentum

    Presenter: Yu-wei Liao, Univ. of Sci. and Tech.of China, China

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Stochastic logic in biased coupled photonic probabilistic bits

    Presenter: Michael Horodynski, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk


Photonic Foundry Development

Presider: Tingyi Gu, University of Delaware, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Ultralow Voltage Folded Electro-Optical Modulators in Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Foundry Process

    Presenter: Alberto Della Torre, Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM), Switzerland

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Monolithically Integrated High Performance Silicon Nitride Passive Optical Components

    Presenter: Yusheng Bian, GlobalFoundries, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Heterogeneous Photonics in Visible and Beyond

    Presenter: Tin Komljenovic, Nexus Photonics, Inc, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    AlGaN on AlN/Sapphire: A New Material Platform in Integrated Photonics Technology

    Presenter: Sinan Gundogdu, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Silicon Nitride-based CMOS-photonic Devices Using High-Q Resonators

    Presenter: Rakesh Krishna, Georgia Tech, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    An Open-Access Platform for Thin Film Lithium Niobate Photonic Integrated Circuits (TFLN PICs)

    Presenter: Alberto Della Torre, Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Micro, Switzerland

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Narrow-linewidth and frequency-agile FMCW laser on the Si3N4 -on-SOI photonic platform

    Presenter: chuxin Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


Topological Processes I

Presider: Matthias Heinrich, University of Rostock, Germany

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Photonic Weyl Points on Non-Orientable Brillouin Zones

    Presenter: Sachin Vaidya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Topological Photonic Cavities on the III-N Platform for the Second Harmonic Generation in the UV-visible Spectrum

    Presenter: Tao Li, Rice University, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Higher-Order Topological Corner and Edge Defects in Polaritonic 2D-SSH and Breathing Kagome Lattices

    Presenter: Sebastian Klembt, University of Würzburg, Germany

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Topological Protection of Bell States in Two-Dimensional Quantum Walk

    Presenter: Yonatan Plotnik, Technion, Israel

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Observation of Topological Singularity Mapping in Photonic Kagome Lattice

    Presenter: Yihan Wang, Nankai University, China

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Topological Protected Transport of Broadband Quantum Frequency Comb in Valley Photonic Crystals

    Presenter: Guangqiang He, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantized Pumping in Disordered Nonlinear Thouless Pumps

    Presenter: Abhijit Chaudhari, Pennsylvania State University, United States

  8. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Is Photonic Band Topology Common?

    Presenter: Ali Ghorashi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States


Advances in High Power Femtosecond Amplifiers

Presider: Shu-Wei Huang, University of Colorado at Boulder, United States

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Shaping Driving Pulses for Efficient Intrapulse Difference Frequency Generation

    Presenter: Marc Hanna, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, France

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Record-High 10.3 W Average Power at 3.1 μm From a Synchronously-Pumped OPO

    Presenter: Vito Pecile, University of Vienna, Austria

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Sub-8-fs Pulses in the Visible to Near Infrared from a Degenerate Optical Parametric Amplifier

    Presenter: Thomas Deckert, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Modelocked Thin-Disk Laser Oscillator With 475 W of Average Output Power

    Presenter: Moritz Seidel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Single-Shot, High-Repetition Rate Carrier-Envelope-Phase Detection of Ultrashort Laser Pulses

    Presenter: Cord L. Arnold, Lund University, Sweden

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Broadband Ho:CALGO regenerative amplifier at 2.1 μm

    Presenter: Anna Suzuki, PULS, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Single-Mode Amplification in a Multimode Fiber Regenerative Amplifier

    Presenter: Frank Wise, Cornell University, United States


Methods for Future Extreme Light Sources

Presider: Julia Mikhailova, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Laser-Based Undulator Design for Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser

    Presenter: Sean Tilton, Arizona State University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Toward high-gain laser-driven electron undulation

    Presenter: Amnon Balanov, Technion, Israel

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Anomalous Relativistic Reflectivity in Near-critical Density Femtosecond Laser-plasma Interactions

    Presenter: Sida Cao, Stanford University, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Electron Acceleration in a Petawatt-Class Laser Focus Under Various Conditions

    Presenter: Smrithan Ravichandran, University of Maryland College Park, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Investigation of Shock-waves Generated by Laser-Induced Discharges Triggered by UV Filaments

    Presenter: Ali Rastegari, University of New Mexico, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Cascaded Plasma Mirrors for Two-Color-Driven Harmonic Generation

    Presenter: Vedin Dewan, Princeton University, United States

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    A Novel Idea of Plasma-based Pulse Compression for Compact Exawatt Lasers

    Presenter: Minsup Hur, UNIST, Korea (the Republic of)

  8. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Optimization of Diffraction Efficiency for Ionization-Induced Plasma Gratings

    Presenter: Michelle Wang, Princeton University, United States


Sensing and Manipulating Quantum Phases in 2D Materials and Quantum Wells

Presider: Matthias Florian, University of Michigan, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Excitons and Quantum Phase Transitions in 2D

    Presenter: Xiaoyang Zhu, Columbia University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Interplay of near band-edge excitations with unbound charge-carriers

    Presenter: Daniel Anders, Justus-Liebig-University, Germany

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Lightwave-Driven Valley Control in Graphene

    Presenter: Daniel Lesko, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat, Germany

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Efficient Valleytronic Switches for High-Sensitivity Electric-Field Measurements

    Presenter: Markus Borsch, University of Michigan, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Control of Many-Particle States in MoSe2 Monolayer Observed by Double-Quantum Spectroscopy

    Presenter: Adam Alfrey, University of Michigan, United States


Advances in Ultrafast Techniques and Optoelectronic Applications

Presider: Hanyu Zhu, Rice University, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Following phase transition in niobium dioxide by time-resolved harmonic spectroscopy

    Presenter: Zhonghui Nie, Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography, Netherlands

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Many-Body Effects in Copropagating Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Microcavity Polaritons

    Presenter: Giuseppe Fumero, NIST, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Ultrafast Nanoscopy of Single-Grain Morphology and Charge Carrier Dynamics in Metal Halide Perovskites

    Presenter: Svenja Nerreter, Universität Regensburg, Germany

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Superradiance from Molecular J-aggregates Coupled to Dielectric Metasurfaces

    Presenter: Cesare Soci, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Ultrafast scanning tunneling spectroscopy of a phonon-driven atomic vacancy in a monolayer crystal

    Presenter: Yaroslav Gerasimenko, University of Regensburg, Germany

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Guided organic exciton-polaritons on patterned distributed Bragg reflectors at room temperature

    Presenter: Bin Liu, University of Michigan, United States

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Serial Carrier-Envelope Phase Detection and Modulation for PHz Optoelectronics

    Presenter: Vaclav Hanus, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary


Electro-optic Modulators

Presider: Avik Dutt, University of Maryland at College Park, United States

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Hybrid integration of silicon slot photonics with ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal for poling-free Pockels-effect modulation

    Presenter: Deniz Onural, Boston University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    60 GHz Adiabatic Microring Modulator with ultra-wide 80nm operation wavelength range

    Presenter: David Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Novel Electro-Optic Modulation via PT Symmetry Breaking on a Hybrid Silicon Oxynitride on Lithium Niobate Platform

    Presenter: Shriddha Chaitanya, Columbia University, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Nanophotonic spectral translation of electro-optic frequency combs

    Presenter: David Long, NIST, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Cryogenic Operation of Hetero-Integrated Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Modulators

    Presenter: Michael Gehl, Sandia National Laboratories, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Low voltage chip-scale electro-optic comb generation and photonic readout

    Presenter: David Long, NIST, United States

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    High-speed, sub-volt silicon microring modulator driven by high-mobility transparent conducting oxide

    Presenter: Wei-Che Hsu, Oregon State University, United States

  8. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Electro-optic Analog-to-Digital Converter Using Spectral Interferometry

    Presenter: Linbo Shao, Virginia Tech, United States


Hybrid Quantum Photonics

Presider: Navin Lingaraju, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantum Entanglement of Microwave and Optical Photonic Qubits with a Chip-Scale Transducer

    Presenter: David lake, Kavli Nanoscience Institute and Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratory of Applied Physics and Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology, United States

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Heterogeneous Integration of Spin-photon Interfaces with a Scalable CMOS Platform

    Presenter: Linsen Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Free-electron ponderomotive guiding for strong coupling and single-photon nonlinearity

    Presenter: Aviv Karnieli, Stanford University, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Telecom-to-Visible Frequency Conversion in a SiN Microresonator

    Presenter: Sidarth Raghunathan, Columbia University, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Strong interactions between integrated microresonators and alkali atomic vapors: towards single-photon-level operation

    Presenter: Roy Zektzer, University of Maryland, United States

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Bidirectional Microwave-optical Frequency Conversion via Itinerant Optomechanics

    Presenter: I-Tung Chen, University of Washington, United States


Nonlinear Optics in Microresonators I

Presider: Dmitry Skryabin, University of Bath, United Kingdom

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Ultra-low Loss Integrated Photonics: from Microcombs, Erbium and Parametric Amplifiers to Cryogenic Quantum Interconnects

    Presenter: Tobias Kippenberg, Swiss Federal Inst of Tech Lausanne, Switzerland

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Second-Harmonic Generation via All-Optical Poling in Linearly Uncoupled Silicon Nitride Microresonators

    Presenter: Marco Clementi, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Reducing Frequency Noise in Dark-Pulse Kerr Combs

    Presenter: Angelo Manetta, NKT Photonics, Denmark

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Spectrally Flat Normal-GVD Kerr Combs via Opposite-Polarity Comb Synchronization

    Presenter: Swarnava Sanyal, Columbia University, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Dual comb generation in triple normal dispersion coupled microresonators using avoided mode crossing

    Presenter: Dongmei Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Advanced Lasers on Chip

Presider: Lan Li, Westlake University, China

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Titanium:Sapphire-on-Insulator Tunable Chip-Scale Laser

    Presenter: Joshua Yang, Stanford University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Titanium-sapphire-on-insulator (Ti:SaOI) nanophotonic waveguide amplifier

    Presenter: Kasper Van Gasse, Stanford University, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Erbium-doped lithium niobate waveguide amplifier with internal net gain exceeding 20 dB

    Presenter: minglu cai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Heterogeneous Lasers for Advanced Integrated Photonic Platforms

    Presenter: Chao Xiang, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    On-chip InP/LiNbO3 microcomb laser

    Presenter: Zhengdong Gao, University of Rochester, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Kerr Microresonator Optical Parametric Oscillation with Wide Continuous Frequency Tuning

    Presenter: Jordan Stone, Joint Quantum Institute, United States

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    High efficiency Raman Lasing in integrated GaN microresonators

    Presenter: ZhaoQin He, Tsinghua University, China


Free Space Communications and Satellite Networks

Presider: Christina Lim, University of Melbourne, Australia

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Optical Satellite Networks

    Presenter: Vincent Chan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Design and Performance of a Multi-mode Photon-counting Receiver for the NASA Orion Artemis II Optical Communications System

    Presenter: Matthew Grein, Massachusetts Inst of Technology, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    A Real-time Demonstration of Bidirectional Multi-format/Rate-adjustable Integrated Laser Communication/Ranging for Satellite Communication

    Presenter: Yizhou Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Enhancement of Physical Layer Security in FSO Links by Longitudinally Tailoring the Noise Power to Overwhelm the Signal Power

    Presenter: Xinzhou Su, University of Southern California, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    14 Bits per Photon Detection in the Photon-Starved Regime for Deep-Space Optical Communication

    Presenter: Sai Kanth Dacha, Columbia University, United States


Free Electron Physics

Presider: Ofer Kfir, Tel Aviv University, Israel

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Free-Electron Computed Tomography of Near-Fields

    Presenter: Tamir Shpiro, Technion, Israel

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Upper limit to quantum interaction strength between free electrons and electromagnetic single modes

    Presenter: Zetao Xie, The University of Hong Kong, China

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Probing the Formation of Nonlinear Optical States with Free Electrons

    Presenter: Jan-Wilke Henke, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Theory and Experiment of Nanoscale Heterostructure Scintillators

    Presenter: Avner Shultzman, Technion, Israel

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Light emission from sub-keV free electrons

    Presenter: Ady Arie, Tel Aviv University, Israel

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Imprinting Chirality on Free-Electrons by Breaking All Mirror Symmetries

    Presenter: Qinghui Yan, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

14:00 — 15:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


Optica Technical Group Networking Mixer

CLEO Hub - Optica Booth

Event Details  Add to Schedule
Special Event

14:30 — 16:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


Market Focus Panel: Laser Fusion - What's Next?

CLEO Hub Theater

Event Details  Add to Schedule
Exhibit Hall Event

15:00 — 16:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >

Exhibit Time Only and Coffee Break (15:00 - 15:30)

CLEO Hub - Coffee Break

Special Event

16:00 — 17:45 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


THz Spectroscopy of Light-matter Interactions

Presider: Daniel Lesko, FAU, Germany

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Engineering Non-equilibrium Magnetic Order with THz Light

    Presenter: Ankit Disa, Cornell University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Terahertz nonlinear magnetic control of coherent magnon modes

    Presenter: Zhuquan Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Optical Pump THz Probe Spectroscopy on Metal-Organic Frameworks

    Presenter: Jens Neu, University of North Texas, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    (Withdrawn) Ultrafast terahertz dynamics of photo-induced metastable state in a Weyl semimetal

    Presenter: Jingdi Zhang, Hong Kong University of Sci & Tech, Hong Kong

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Identifying Anharmonic Coupling Pathways using 2D THz Spectroscopy

    Presenter: Megan Nielson, Brigham Young University, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Tailoring Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling Through Spatial Matter Design

    Presenter: Joshua Mornhinweg, University of Regensburg, Germany

16:00 — 18:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


Symposium: Spectroscopic Advances in Biophotonics II

Presider: Mike Mirov, United States

Special Symposium
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Breath Analysis: Clinical Applications, Impacts, and Opportunities

    Presenter: Heather Bean, Arizona State University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    An Ultra-broadband Approach For Breath Analysis

    Presenter: Simona Cristescu, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    High-Resolution Dual-Comb Spectroscopy from 1 THz to 1 PHz

    Presenter: Konstantin Vodopyanov, University of Central Florida, CREOL, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Frequency Comb Breathomics Powered by Artificial Intelligence

    Presenter: Qizhong Liang, JILA, United States


Symposium: Disruptive Photonic Detectors: Recent Advancement and Development with Novel Optical Materials

Presider: Shuwen Zeng, French National Centre for Scientific Re, France

Special Symposium
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Perovskite Single Crystals for Direct Conversion Radiation Detectors

    Presenter: Makhsud Saidaminov, University of Victoria, Canada

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Tailoring light-matter interactions in perovskite scintillators with nanophotonics

    Presenter: Francesco Maddalena, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Polaritons in Two -Dimensional Materials for Surface Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy

    Presenter: Xiaoxia Yang, National center for nanoscience & Tech, China

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantum Dots for Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Sensing

    Presenter: Lutfan Sinatra, Quantum Solutions, United Kingdom


Symposium: Warm Vapor Quantum Devices II

Presider: Ricardo Jimenez-Martinez, FieldLine Industries, United States

Special Symposium
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Title to be Announced

    Presenter: Eugene Polzik, Kobenhavns Universitet, Denmark

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Vapor Cell Rydberg Electrometry with Pulsed Interrogation

    Presenter: Michael Romalis, Princeton University, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Drone Based Atomic Gradiometry

    Presenter: Ilja Gerhardt, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    (Withdrawn) Progress Towards Fieldable RF Receiver Systems Leveraging Warm Vapor Rydberg Atom Sensors

    Presenter: Seth Caliga, Infleqtion, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Omiband Atomic Receivers

    Presenter: Kevin Cox, US Army Research Laboratory, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Terahertz Imaging Using Thermal Atomic Vapour

    Presenter: Kevin Weatherill, Durham University, United Kingdom

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    From Dipolar to Rydberg Photonics

    Presenter: Hadiseh Alaeian, Purdue University, United States


Microcavities for Quantum Photonics

Presider: Valeria Saggio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Tunable Fabry-Perot Microcavities for Quantum Technologies

    Presenter: David Hunger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Nanodiamonds With Group IV Defects Coupled to Fabry-Perot Resonators

    Presenter: Robert Berghaus, University Ulm, Quantum optics, Germany

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Strong coupling between a single artificial atom and an integrated silicon carbide microresonator

    Presenter: Daniil Lukin, Stanford University, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    High-Q photonic crystals cavities in visible wavelength using a thin film diamond

    Presenter: SophieWeiyi Ding, Harvard University, United States

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk


Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) II and Deployed Quantum Systems

Presider: Nate Gemelke, QuEra Computing Inc, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Integrated Room Temperature Single Photon Source in Hexagonal Boron Nitride for Quantum Key Distribution

    Presenter: Helen Zeng, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Dispersiveness of Faraday Mirrors Used to Compensate Random Polarization Distortion is Mitigated by the Randomness Itself

    Presenter: Bahaa Saleh, University of Central Florida, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantum Sensors for Space Exploration

    Presenter: Lisa Woerner, DLR, Germany

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Vehicle-to-Vehicle Quantum Key Distribution (V2V-QKD)

    Presenter: Andrew Conrad, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    (Withdrawn) NASA’s Cold Atom Lab: Five Years of Quantum Science on the International Space Station

    Presenter: Jason Williams, Jet Propulsion Lab, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Quantum Inertial Sensors for Field Applications

    Presenter: Vincent Menoret, Exail, France


Machine Learning for Metamaterial Design

Presider: Yu Yao, Arizona State University, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Machine Learning Methods for Photonic Simulation and Design

    Presenter: Jonathan Fan, Stanford University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Physics-guided hierarchical Neural Networks for Maxwell's equations in metamaterials

    Presenter: Sean Lynch, University of Massachusetts Lowell, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Machine learning discovers parsimonious equations governing incoherent emission steering from semiconductor metasurfaces

    Presenter: Saaketh Desai, Sandia National Labs, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Photonic Neural Network and In-Situ Training in a Synthetic Frequency Dimension

    Presenter: Felix Gottlieb, McGill University, Canada

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Coherence Awareness in Diffractive Neural Networks

    Presenter: Matan Kleiner, Technion, Israel


Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics

Presider: Tingyi Gu, University of Delaware, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Heterogeneous Integration of Lithium Niobate and Silicon Photonics for Nonlinear Optics

    Presenter: Alexandra Palici, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    An Integrated, Two-Colour Photon-Pair Source in Thin-Film Lithium Niobate

    Presenter: Silia Babel, Paderborn University, Germany

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Bright Heralded Single-photon Source with Ideal Purity based on Silicon Chip via Spontaneous Four Wave Mixing

    Presenter: Qiang Zeng, Beijing Academy of Quantum Info Sciences, China

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Passively Isolated On-Chip Comb Dynamics Enabled by Photonic Crystal Microresonators

    Presenter: Jakob Grzesik, Stanford University, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Mid-infrared Photonic Integration and Nonlinear Optics on InP

    Presenter: Mikhail Belkin, Technische Universität Munchen, Germany

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Microwave Resonator Enhanced On-chip Electro-optic Frequency Comb Generation

    Presenter: Zhaoxi CHEN, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Sub-micron Ferroelectric Domain Control in Thin Film Lithium Niobate for Backward Second-harmonic Generation

    Presenter: Fengyan Yang, Yale University, United States


Topological Processes II

Presider: Zhigang Chen, China

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Classifying Nonlinear Topological Materials Using Real-Space Invariants

    Presenter: Stephan Wong, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Eigenenergy braids in two-dimensional photonic crystals

    Presenter: Janet Zhong, Stanford Photonics Research Center, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    1D Topological Laser with A Topological Bulk

    Presenter: Dayang Lin, North Carolina State University, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Demonstration of minimal higher-order topological insulators in strained photonic graphene

    Presenter: Yongsheng Liang, Teda College of Nankai University, China

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Topological and Non-Hermitian Photonics in Coupled Optical Fiber Loops

    Presenter: Joshua Feis, University of Rostock, Germany

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Topological Soliton Formation in a Nanophotonic Optical Parametric Oscillator

    Presenter: Nicolas Englebert, California Institute of Technology, United States

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Extending Topological Edge States to Visible Wavelengths in a Silicon Nitride Ring-Resonator Lattice

    Presenter: David Sharp, University of Washington, United States


Spatial and Temporal Control of Femtosecond Laser Pulses

Presider: Murat Yessenov, University of Central Florida, CREOL, United States

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Practical guide for programmable control of ultrashort laser pulse propagation dynamics along any trajectory

    Presenter: Enar Franco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Experimental Demonstration of Longitudinally Tailored Dynamic Motion of a Spatiotemporal Wave Packet

    Presenter: Yingning Wang, University of Southern California, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Generation of high-order femtosecond vortices up to the 10th order from a powerful mode-locked Hermite-Gaussian laser

    Presenter: Hongyu Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Techn, China

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Generation of ultrashort twisted light pulses with arbitrary polarization using a vortex plate retarder

    Presenter: Nicolò Maccaferri, Umeå University, Sweden

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Representation of Spatiotemporal Wave Packets Having Dynamic Motion on a Modified Poincaré Sphere

    Presenter: Muralekrishnan Ramakrishnan, University of Southern California, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Hybrid Air-Bulk Multipass Cell Compressor for High Pulse Energies with Spatio-temporal Characterization

    Presenter: Alan Omar, Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Germany

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Temporal Compression of a Vortex Pulse in a Gas-Filled Capillary

    Presenter: Marc Hanna, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, France


Quantum Many-Body Systems and Collective Effects

Presider: Brielle Anderson, American University, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Towards many-body Hamiltonian tomography from multi-mode quantum light emission

    Presenter: Chen Mechel, Technion, Israel

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Optical pumping of electronic quantum Hall states with vortex light

    Presenter: Mahmoud Jalali Mehrabad, University of Maryland, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Magnetic polarons in a triangular Fermi-Hubbard Quantum Simulator

    Presenter: Zoe Yan, University of Chicago, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Towards Nanophotonic Cavity-Enhanced Telecom-Compatible Quantum Memory on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate

    Presenter: Priyash Barya, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Stoichiometric Rare-Earth Materials in Solids as a Platform for Quantum Memory Devices

    Presenter: Donny Pearson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Adding Photon Entanglement and Quantum Beating to Superradiance by Using Multilevel Atoms

    Presenter: Amir Sivan, Technion, Israel institute of technology, Israel

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Spontaneously Squeezing Superradiant Laser

    Presenter: Da-Wu Xiao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


High Harmonic Generation in Condensed Matter

Presider: Aleksey Korobenko, University of Ottawa, Canada

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Control and Imaging of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation at the Nanoscale

    Presenter: Aleksey Korobenko, Joint Attosecond Science Laboratory, National Research Council of Canada and University of Ottawa, Canada

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Solid High Harmonic Enhancement Near the Band Gap Edge

    Presenter: Katarzyna Kowalczyk, Imperial College, United Kingdom

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Ponderomotive detuning of excitonic high harmonics in GaN

    Presenter: You Wu, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    High-order Harmonic Generation in Solids Driven by Mid-infrared and Terahertz Two-color Field

    Presenter: Sha Li, Ohio State University, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Disentangling the low-order harmonic generation from bulk and thin films

    Presenter: Mukhtar Hussain, Arizona State University, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Plasma Mirrors for Generating Co- and Counter-Rotating Harmonics

    Presenter: Nicholas Fasano, Princeton University, United States


Metasurfaces and Photonics Crystals

Presider: Vien Van, University of Alberta, Canada

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Non-Hermitian degenercy of electrically tunable interusbband polaritonic metausrfaces

    Presenter: Hyeongju Chung, UNIST, Korea (the Republic of)

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Active twistoptics: on-chip multidimensional dynamic control for data hypercube reconstruction

    Presenter: Haoning Tang, Harvard University, United States

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Upconversion Enhancement Using Dielectric Metasurfaces

    Presenter: Nima Sefidmooye Azar, University of Melbourne, Australia

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Unidirectional Dispersive Grating Emitters for Silicon Photonic Beam Steerers

    Presenter: Gow-Zin Yiu, National Yaming Chiaotung University, Taiwan

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Silicon Photonic Beam Steerer Based on Metalens Focal Plane Array with Direction Fine-tuning

    Presenter: Ping-Yen Hsieh, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Scalable and Robust Beam Shaping Using Apodized Fish-bone Grating Couplers

    Presenter: Dhriti Maurya, Physical Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA, United States

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Waveguide-fed Metasurfaces for High NA Focusing at Ultrashort Distances

    Presenter: Hrishikesh Iyer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States


New Materials for Advanced Modulators

Presider: Lan Li, Westlake University, China

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Strong phase modulation in integrated O-band GeSi-QCSE waveguide modulators

    Presenter: Chih-Kuo Tseng, IMEC, Belgium

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    BTO Technology for Fast and Efficient Photonic Integrated Circuits

    Presenter: Wouter Diels, Lumiphase, Switzerland

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Ultra-Wide FSR Vertical-Junction Microdisk Modulator With Efficient External Heater

    Presenter: Michael Cullen, Columbia University, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Barium Titanate Racetrack Modulator on Silicon Nitride for 200 GBd Data Communication in the O-band

    Presenter: Manuel Kohli, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    High-Performance Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Modulator with Low-k Underfill for over 110 GHz Electro-Optic Response

    Presenter: Hao Liu, Tsinghua University, China

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Single-mode waveguides in barium titanate-on-insulator platform fabricated by wet etching

    Presenter: Hong-Lin Lin, National University of Singapore, Singapore


Excitons in Two-dimensional Materials and van der Waals Heterostructures

Presider: ADAM ALFREY, Umich, United States

  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Correlation-driven Nonequilibrium Exciton Site Transition in a WSe2/WS2 Moiré Supercell

    Presenter: Jinjae Kim, Seoul National University, Korea (the Republic of)

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Moiré Localization Induced Enhancement in the Decoherence Time of Interlayer Excitons in WSe2-MoSe2 Heterobilayers

    Presenter: Ibrahim Sarpkaya, Bilkent University, Turkey

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Moire excitons confined by twisted hBN substrates

    Presenter: Xiaoqin Li, University of Texas at Austin, United States

     Presentation Details   Paper

    Highlighted Talk

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Enhanced Drift Transport in 1D Excitonic Guides at Room Temperature

    Presenter: Matthias Florian, University of Michigan, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Long-range spin transport in indirect excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructure

    Presenter: Erik Szwed, University of California San Diego, United States

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    (Withdrawn) Synthesis and Excitonic-Optics Study of 2D Chalcogenides Layered Semiconductors

    Presenter: Ching-Hwa Ho, National Taiwan Univ of Science & Tech, Taiwan

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Modulation and Trapping of 2D Excitons Using Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators

    Presenter: Adina Ripin, University of Washington, United States


Nonlinear Optics in Microresonators II

Presider: Amy Foster, Johns Hopkins University, United States

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Linear and Nonlinear Interactions in Hybrid Microresonators with Controllable Coupling

    Presenter: Alekhya Ghosh, Max-Planck-Inst Physik des Lichts, Germany

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in a Dual-pumped Silicon Nitride Kerr Optical Parametric Oscillator

    Presenter: Yichen Shen, University of Maryland, United States

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Towards UV-Visible Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Waveguides

    Presenter: Carter Mashburn, University of Colorado at Boulder, United States

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Bright Microresonator Solitons in the Normal Dispersion Regime

    Presenter: Toby Bi, Max-Planck-Inst Physik des Lichts, Germany

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    28 THz soliton frequency comb in a continuous-wave pumped fiber Fabry-Perot resonator

    Presenter: Thomas Bunel, University of Lille, CNRS, UMR 8523-PhLAM, France

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    On-chip optical parametric oscillation aided multiple frequency combs generation in a single Si3N4 microresonator

    Presenter: Haizhong Weng, University of Dublin Trinity College, Ireland

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Multi-mode and Multi-octave chi-2 Photonics

    Presenter: Dmitry Skryabin, University of Bath, United Kingdom


Mid-infrared On-Chip Photonics

Presider: Yuriko Maegami, Natl Inst of Adv Industrial Sci & Tech, Japan

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    HADAR: Machine Perception Through Pitch Darkness like Broad Daylight

    Presenter: Zubin Jacob, Purdue University, United States

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Ultraviolet to Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation in Thin Film Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Waveguides

    Presenter: Marin Hamrouni, Laboratoire Temps Fréquence, Switzerland

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    On-chip mid-infrared supercontinuum generation with dispersive wave designed for gas spectroscopy

    Presenter: Soobong Park, KAIST, Korea (the Republic of)

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Mid-Infrared Integrated Electro-Optic Modulator on a Suspended Lithium Niobate Platform

    Presenter: Chun-Ho Lee, University of southern california, United States

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Long-Wave Infrared Electro-Optic Frequency-Combs Generation Using SiGe Schottky-Based Modulators

    Presenter: Victor Turpaud, C2N, France

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Demonstration and Analysis of the very first Mid-infrared Sub-mW Threshold Brillouin Laser

    Presenter: Kiyoung Ko, KAIST, Korea (the Republic of)

  7. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    High Performance Waveguide Integrated Tellurium-based Mid-Infrared Photodetector

    Presenter: Hui Ma, Zhejiang University, China


Optical Networks for Future Wireless Systems

Presider: Deepa Venkitesh, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

Science & Innovation
  1. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Towards Multi-Pbps Backbone Optical Networks in Support of Future 6G Networks

    Presenter: Tomkos Ioannis, University of Patras, Greece

  2. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    MMW/Sub-THz/THz Signal through Bi-Directional Fiber-Optical/RF Wireless Transmission Employing Two Cascaded RSOAs

    Presenter: Yan-Zhen Xu, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

  3. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Approaching Theoretical Performance of 6G Distributed MIMO with Optical Analog Fronthaul

    Presenter: Armands Ostrovskis, Riga Technical University, Latvia

  4. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Joint-design of ultra high resolution vibration sensing and optical heterodyne mm-wave RoF

    Presenter: Jingchuan WANG, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  5. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    Hybrid Analog and Digital RF Fronthaul Transmission over Low Cost VCSEL-APD based Free Space Optics link

    Presenter: Tongyun Li, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

  6. -
    (UTC - 04:00)
    4K Real-Time Video Transmission in Invisible Infrared-band Underwater-Airborne Bidirectional Optical Wireless System Using a Single Silver Mirror as an Aerial Repeater

    Presenter: Hodaka Amano, Kagawa University, Japan

18:30 — 20:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

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Optica Technical Group Panel Discussion on What's Next in Integrated Photonics – Hot Topics at CLEO 2024


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18:30 — 22:00 (Eastern Time (US & Canada), UTC - 04:00)

< Drag left and right to scroll through sessions. >


UNC Charlotte Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications Lab Tour and Reception

PORTAL Building, UNC Charlotte Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications

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