Propose a Special Symposium, A&T Topical Review or Panel
Submission Deadline: Monday, 23 August 2024 (12:00 EDT, UTC-04:00)
Calling All Optics and Photonics Enthusiasts: Shape the 2025 Technical Program!
CLEO invites the entire optics and photonics community to propose exciting topics or ideas for our three technical programs: Special Symposia, Applications & Technology Topical Reviews, and Panels. Submit your proposals by Friday, 23 August 2024. All submissions will be reviewed by the CLEO General and Program Chairs for a chance to be featured next year. Contribute to making CLEO 2025 a standout event!
Comprised of invited and contributed papers, Special Symposia cover areas considered to be topical and of special interest to CLEO attendees. Submissions should consist of timely, cutting-edge topics and/or new material in rapidly advancing areas.
Special Symposia
Comprised of invited and contributed papers, Special Symposia cover areas considered to be topical and of special interest to CLEO attendees. Submissions should consist of timely, cutting-edge topics and/or new material in rapidly advancing areas. (See topic categories.)
A&T Topical Reviews
Comprised of invited and contributed papers, Applications & Technology Topical Reviews emphasize significant recent advances in the application of photonics technologies to address current, real-world problems. Submissions should consist of timely, cutting-edge topics and/or new material in rapidly advancing areas related to applications and technology.
A&T Topical Reviews
Composed of a panel of specialists and a moderator, Panels provide an interactive, open forum to address topics that are not covered by traditional presentations but are of interest and importance to the CLEO community. Panelists represent disparate, opposing viewpoints and formal presentations are not permitted. The informal format of Panels promotes expression of conflicting or opposing opinions and significant audience interaction. A submission should consist of a topic, not necessarily technical, for which there is no clear consensus. It should be relevant to all CLEO attendees including exhibitors.
Composed of a panel of specialists and a moderator, Panels provide an interactive, open forum to address topics that are not covered by traditional presentations but are of interest and importance to the CLEO community. Panelists represent disparate, opposing viewpoints and formal presentations are not permitted. The informal format of Panels promotes expression of conflicting or opposing opinions and significant audience interaction. A submission should consist of a topic, not necessarily technical, for which there is no clear consensus. It should be relevant to all CLEO attendees including exhibitors.
Submission Guidelines
All proposals must be submitted by the deadline of 23 August 2024 at 12:00 (EDT, UTC-04:00). Proposals, which are submitted on an online form, will include the following information.
- Contact/primary organizer's information.
- Organizer's name, affiliation, country and email address (Each Symposium, Topical Review or Panel should have 2-3 organizers).
- Title and abstract.
- Type of session being submitted (A&T Topical Review, Special Symposia or Panel)
- Response to why this is a necessary and important topic now (in contrast to other years), and is this topic suited for an interactive workshop format. (If yes, list controversial questions that may be discussed.)
- Which existing topic subcommittees (any combination of A&T, S&I and FS topics), if any, would this topic be most aligned with? (It is not a requirement that the proposed session be aligned with any existing subcommittee.)
- Proposed invited speaker list and talk titles. Proposed speaker list must be diverse and inclusive, 20 percent women and ideally speakers from underrepresented groups. Do not contact speakers until notification of acceptance of symposium proposal. All invited speaker lists will require approval of the Program Chairs before invitations can be extended.
Questions? Contact
Propose a Special Symposium, A&T Topical Review or Panel
Submission Deadline: Monday, 23 August 2024 (12:00 EDT, UTC-04:00)