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Inaugural CLEO/QELS blog

By David Nugent

No scientific discipline affects life in the 21st century to same extent as photonics. From the way we harvest sunlight energy to the way we illuminate our homes; from the way diseases are diagnosed to the way medicines are delivered into the body; and from the way we communicate and entertain ourselves to the way we defend our borders. Its reach is omnipotent; its value to society unquantifiable.

Hello. My name is David Nugent and I will be your blogger-in-residence for CLEO/QELS: 2010 – arguably the greatest laser and photonics technical congress and expo in the world. Between now and May 20 I shall be writing about the myriad of scientific breakthroughs to be presented at CLEO/QELS, as well as highlighting some of the most exciting (and weirdest) applications emerging. I’ll also be scouting around the exhibition halls to see where “real world” requirements are fostering fundamental laser and photonic research.

As a scientist, analyst, investor and business development consultant, CLEO provides me with unique insight across the entire photonics value chain, from academic debate to technology transfer, application development and commercial exploitation. For photonic generalists it provides a veritable carnival of ideas and investment opportunities.

Enough about me. What are you folks looking to get out of CLEO? An update from academic and commercial peers, an application or funding partner, a new job or career idea? Whatever it is drop me a note and I’ll blog about relevant talks and exhibitors.

Yikes – the conference starts in 18 days’ time. With over 2,000 paper submissions spread across 24 different topic categories there’s going to be loads to blog about. Here goes…

Posted: 28 April 2010 by David Nugent | with 0 comments

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